Newsflash. Self-care is not selfish, it helps everyone. Run ragged over a busy Easter? Recharge and recuperate with this healing self-care concept…
It’s a universal truth. Parenting is exhausting. It’s the one certainty in that wild and wonderful adventure. From surviving sleepless newbie nights, to rollercoaster teenage years, self-care is essential. With nursery drop-offs and food shops, birthday parties, baby clubs and grandparent visits – no wonder you’re feeling frazzled. Amid social media pressure to be perfect and the minefield of mummy groups – something’s got to give. Heads up! Give yourself a head start with No Commitment Days. Think of it…a whole day of no plans. It can happen. Here’s how…
No Commitment Days are a Thing
We first clocked this concept on ‘Poosh’. It’s based around blocking out one day a week with zero plans. Yes - being a ‘yes’ person is fun with a baby date here, lunch with your bestie there - but utter selflessness is not sustainable and pure people pleasing starts to look like chaos. No Commitment Days give you space. Taking one day a week at your own pace helps you feel more in control. From filling it with fun activities or just chilling in front of the TV, you get to decide on the actual day what you fancy doing and you do just that.
Hurry! Grab your diary and grab a bit of freedom. Commit to No Commitment Days. You deeply deserve it…