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Early Signs of Pregnancy

A lady smiles as she holds and looks at her sonogram image

Signs Beyond Blue Lines

There’s one thing on your mind. Am I pregnant? You may feel different, like you just know, but there’s one way to know for sure - take a test. Meanwhile, remember you’re part of the natural world and its ancient cycles, your hormones will hint and your body will send you early signals. Tune in to these signs beyond double blue lines…

1. Missed Period

Sounds obvious, but busy lives can block awareness. If you don’t regularly track your periods you many not notice the lack of them until later on. There are loads of period apps out there to nudge you into noticing. 

2. Nausea 

Everyone knows about ‘Morning Sickness’ but it can actually occur at any time of the day. Sometimes it’s disguised as food aversion too. Mysterious sickness can be pregnancy in disguise. 

3. Tender Boobs

You’ve got estrogen and progesterone to thank for all kinds of body changes. When they spike you get sore boobs and nipples. This should ease by your second trimester. 

4. Higher Basal Body Temperature

Feeling hot in a cold snap? Your BBT rises slightly during ovulation and stays elevated if pregnant. If you’ve been actively trying to get preggers, monitoring your BBT is one way of tracking your cycle, as well as an early indicator of pregnancy. 

5. Fatigue

Feeling beyond tired? We’re all tired in our busy lives, but fatigue is extreme tiredness. It’s usually associated with the first and the last months of pregnancy. Some women often notice this before they’ve even taken a pregnancy test.

6. Peeing Often

Fun Fact: Pregnancy increases the blood in your body, meaning if you are pregnant your kidneys have more fluid to filter and waste to get rid of. Frequent urination is the result. Yay.

7. Mood Changes

Weepy? Impatient? Mood swings are common during pregnancy and you may notice them very early on. Your body is awash with hormones and this emotional rollercoaster reflects all the changes going on inside as you start growing a little human. 

If you’re experiencing some of the above it may be time to grab a few pregnancy tests and seek medical advice. This article does not constitute medical advice.

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